9789985674291 |
Märkused |
Tiitellehel ka autorid: Arnold Sinisalu, Ramon Loik, Erkki Koort, Kaide Tammel, Raul Savimaa |
Sisaldab bibliograafiat |
Sisukord |
Introduction ;1. Background: The road to war in Ukraine ; 2. Methodology and structure of the analysis ; 3. Diagnosis: Description and analysis of the current situation ; 3.1. Government and authorities, international relations ; 3.2. Economy and business elite ; 3.3. Special services ; 3.4. Military power ; 3.5. Organized crime ; 4. Forecast: The role of factors in shaping Russia's future ; 4.1. Government and authorities, international relations ; 4.2. Economy and business elite ; 4.3. Special services ; 4.4. Military power ; 4.5. Organized crime ; 5. Russia's possible future scenarios and their impact on Estonia ; 5.1. First scenario (base scenario): No substantial change in Russia ; 5.2. Second scenario: The fourth Smuta and possible disintegration of Russia ; 5.3. Third scenario: The political elite changes, and Russia democratizes ; 5.4. Fourth scenario: Russia becomes an autocratic superpower ; 6. Important conclusions and main recommendations for Estonia |
Märksõnad |
rahvusvahelised suhted
Eesti (riik)
Täiendkirjed |
Sinisalu, Arnold, 1970- autor
Loik, Ramon, 1977- autor
Koort, Erkki, 1975- autor
Tammel, Kaide, 1980- autor
Savimaa, Raul, 1970- autor
Veispak-Rawlings, Kai, 1961- tõlkija
Rawlings, Craig, 1947- toimetaja
Garshnek, Jan, 1981- kujundaja
Sisekaitseakadeemia. Sisejulgeoleku instituut
Teine kandja |
Võrguressurss (pdf): The impact of Russia's Alternative Future Developments on Estonian Security 9789985674307 |
327.8 (474.2) (470+571)
327.8 (470)