9783830513889 |
Sarjaandmed |
Regional business and socio-economic development ; Bd. 1
Märkused |
Bibliogr. ettekannete lõpus |
Sisukord |
Raamat sisaldab ka: Empirical analysis of capital structure and dividend decisions under the distributed profit taxation regime of Estonia / Aaro Hazak. Estimates of money demand functions for Estonia / Kairi Roht. E-banking in Estonia: regional development and risk management practices / Dmitri Sokolov. Commercial banks in Estonia support socio-economic development / Mart Sõrg. Entrepreneurial visions of international competitiveness in Estonian SMEs / Tiit Elenurm. Entrepreneurship’s development in Estonian industrial company-towns during post-communist transition period: impact of local factors / Raigo Ernits. Choice of performance measurement indicators in Estonian SMEs / Ülle Pärl, Toomas Haldma. Development of rural entrepreneurship / Eve Tomson, Andro Roos. Entrepreneurial activity in Estonia and implications for SME policy / Urve Venesaar. Position of capital cities in Baltic Sea economic area / Sulev Mäeltsemees. Regional income disparities and convergence in EU: catching up or falling behind? / Tiiu Paas. About regional and local government policy in Estonia / Matti Raudjärv. Enhancing the efficiency of Estonian public administration by the process of creating staff (by the case of Estonian Ministry of Agriculture and the Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board) / Reelika Irs. Social capital and institutional quality as factors of innovation: evidence from Europe / Anneli Kaasa, Helje Kaldaru, Eve Parts. Social capital and welfare: micro- and macro-level evidence from Central and Eastern Europe / Eve Parts. Bureaucracy, and law making mechanism: their influence on the quality of business environment / Tatjana Põlajeva. Problems of ensuring sustainable administration of public real estate in Estonia / Janno Reiljan. How to improve the national innovation systems of the catching-up economies? / Urmas Varblane. Benchmarking EU countries against Danish flexicurity model / Raul Eamets, Kaia Philips, Janika Alloja, Kerly Krillo. Estonian wage formation as a macroeconomic adjustment mechanism: comparative analysis with Baltic and Nordic states / Grigory Fainstein, Kaie Kerem. Income level and income equality – factors of influencing each other or independent dimensions of economic system? / Jüri Sepp, Diana Eerma |
Märksõnad |
keskmise suurusega ettevõtted
Estonica kogu
regionaalne areng
majanduslik areng
sotsiaalne areng
rahvusvaheline koostöö
Läänemere maad
konverentsikogumikud (vormimärksõna)
Täiendkirjed |
Kramer, Jost W., toimetaja
Prause, Gunnar, toimetaja
Sepp, Jüri, 1952- toimetaja
Brätz, Marcel, toimetaja
Hazak, Aaro, 1978-.
Empirical analysis of capital structure and dividend decisions under the distributed profit taxation regime of Estonia
Roht, Kairi.
Estimates of money demand functions for Estonia
Sokolov, Dmitri.
E-banking in Estonia: regional development and risk management practices
Sõrg, Mart, 1943-.
Commercial banks in Estonia support socio-economic development
Elenurm, Tiit, 1952-.
Entrepreneurial visions of international competitiveness in Estonian SMEs
Ernits, Raigo, 1973-2023.
Entrepreneurship’s development in Estonian industrial company-towns during post-communist transition period: impact of local factors
Pärl, Ülle, 1962-.
Choice of performance measurement indicators in Estonian SMEs
Haldma, Toomas, 1957-2024.
Choice of performance measurement indicators in Estonian SMEs
Tomson, Eve, 1944-.
Development of rural entrepreneurship
Roos, Andro, 1983-.
Development of rural entrepreneurship
Venesaar, Urve, 1944-.
Entrepreneurial activity in Estonia and implications for SME policy
Mäeltsemees, Sulev, 1947-.
Position of capital cities in Baltic Sea economic area
Paas, Tiiu, 1949-.
Regional income disparities and convergence in EU: catching up or falling behind?
Raudjärv, Matti, 1949-.
About regional and local government policy in Estonia
Irs, Reelika, 1983-.
Enhancing the efficiency of Estonian public administration by the process of creating staff (by the case of Estonian Ministry of Agriculture and the Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board)
Kaasa, Anneli, 1975-.
Social capital and institutional quality as factors of innovation: evidence from Europe
Kaldaru, Helje, 1950-.
Social capital and institutional quality as factors of innovation: evidence from Europe
Parts, Eve, 1970-.
Social capital and institutional quality as factors of innovation: evidence from Europe
Parts, Eve, 1970-.
Social capital and welfare: micro- and macro-level evidence from Central and Eastern Europe
Põlajeva, Tatjana, 1957-.
Bureaucracy, and law making mechanism: their influence on the quality of business environment
Reiljan, Janno, 1951-2018.
Problems of ensuring sustainable administration of public real estate in Estonia
Varblane, Urmas, 1961-.
How to improve the national innovation systems of the catching-up economies?
Eamets, Raul, 1964-.
Benchmarking EU countries against Danish flexicurity model
Philips, Kaia, 1969-.
Benchmarking EU countries against Danish flexicurity model
Alloja, Janika, 1981-.
Benchmarking EU countries against Danish flexicurity model
Espenberg, Kerly, 1982-.
Benchmarking EU countries against Danish flexicurity model
Fainstein, Grigory, 1961-.
Estonian wage formation as a macroeconomic adjustment mechanism: comparative analysis with Baltic and Nordic states
Kerem, Kaie, 1945-2021.
Estonian wage formation as a macroeconomic adjustment mechanism: comparative analysis with Baltic and Nordic states
Sepp, Jüri, 1952-.
Income level and income equality – factors of influencing each other or independent dimensions of economic system?
Eerma, Diana, 1964-.
Income level and income equality – factors of influencing each other or independent dimensions of economic system?
Baltic Business and Socio-Economic Development, international conference (3 : 2007 : Tallinn)
658 (4-17) (063)
658 (474) (063)
338 (474) (063)
338 (4-17) (063)