9781138392168 |
9781138392144 (köites) |
Märkused |
Sisaldab bibliograafiat ja registrit |
Sisukord |
EU environmental policy : contexts, actors and policy dynamics / Andrew Jordan, Viviane Gravey and Camilla Adelle -- The establishment of EU environmental policy / Christoph Knill and Duncan Liefferink -- External EU environmental policy / Katja Biedenkopf and Lisanne Groen -- Studying EU environmental policy / Andrea Lenschow -- The council, European council and member state / Rüdiger K. W. Wurzel -- The European commission / Alexander Bürgin -- The court of justice of the European Union / Ludwig Krämer -- The European parliament / Charlotte Burns -- Interest groups / Nathalie Berny and Brendan Moore -- Agenda setting / Sebastiaan Princen -- Policy making / Henning Deters -- Policy integration / Claire Dupont and Andrew Jordan -- Policy implementation / Asya Zhelyazkova and Eva Thomann -- Policy evaluation / Per Mickwitz -- The EU in international environmental negotiations / Tom Delreux -- Is the EU still committed to developing more sustainably? / Reinhard Steurer -- Governing with multiple policy instruments? / Brendan Moore, David Benson, Andrew Jordan, Rüdiger K. W. Wurzel and Anthony Zito -- Making EU environmental policy more legitimate? / Andreas Hofmann -- New policy dynamics in more uncertain times? / Viviane Gravey and Andrew Jordan -- EU environmental policy at 50 : retrospect and prospect / Andrew Jordan, Viviane Gravey and Camilla Adelle |
Märksõnad |
Euroopa Liit
rahvusvaheline koostöö
Euroopa Liidu maad
artiklikogumikud (vormimärksõna)
Estonica kogu
Lisasõnad |
Environmental policy -- European Union countries -- Case studies |
Environmental policy -- International cooperation -- Case studies |
Täiendkirjed |
Jordan, Andrew, 1968- toimetaja
Gravey, Viviane, toimetaja
Täiendpealkiri |
502 (4) (082)