9783631862025 (köites) |
Sarjaandmed |
Cross-roads. Studies in culture, literary theory, and history, 2191-6179 ; volume 29 |
Cross-roads (2012-), 2191-6179 ; volume 29
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Part I From the Established Hierarchies ofthe Popular Enlightenment to the Hybridity of Cultural Communication: Learned Societies, Media, and the Changing Practices of Everyday Life ; Baltic German Literary Societies ; The Media History ofthe Early Periodical Press in Latvian ; The Specificity ofthe Biedermeier Period and its Impact on Everyday Life ; Part II The Highly Praised Rise of Agency and its Fallacies: The Latvian National Movement and Shifting Patterns in Society and Literary Culture ; The Reading Revolution ; The New Latvians: Strategies for the Creation of a National Identity ; Nineteenth-Century Literary Processes and Folklor ; The Genesis, Ideology and Poetics of the Nineteenth-Century Latvian Nove ; Part III On the Threshold of Modernity: Literary Culture of the Fin de Siecle and Its Reception ; From the Basics of Visual Literacy to the First Momentum of National Art: Aesthetic Effects ofImage Circulation in Latvian Society ; Fin-de-Siecle Latvian Literary Periodicals and Their Social and Cultural Context ; Literary Translations: Trends and the Dynamic of Development ; The Historical Timeline |
Märkused |
This volume is the outcome of a co-ordinated effort of a group of scholars who set themselves the task of reconsidering nineteenth-century Latvian literary history. We are seeking to pluralize literary history studies by looking for novel insights into Latvian literature and contributing to the research of East-Central European literary cultures. Scholars from diverse but related research fields (literature, history, art history, and folklore studies) scan the nineteenth-century cultural scene from various intersecting perspectives, taking into account important links between literature, oral culture and visual art, changes in reading practices, periodicals, and the book market as well as the complex interactions between social transformations and aesthetic developments. |
Märksõnad |
19. sajand
artiklikogumikud (vormimärksõna)
Estonica kogu
Täiendkirjed |
Daija, Pauls, 1984- toimetaja
Kalnačs, Benedikts, 1965- toimetaja
821.174 (091) (082)
821.174 (082)