9781916887640 (köites) |
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People are often terrified of what they do not understand. They have trouble coping with the unknown, so they try to exert control over their situation. This is why many people live in fear of dark subjects like psychopathy or domestic abuse. Psychologists can work to help their patients overcome any fears by teaching them how the brain processes negative thoughts and feelings, and how certain emotions can be managed in a healthy way. Psychopaths are often sought out by law enforcement because of their ability to get away with violent and illegal acts. The term "psychopath" comes from the Greek word for mind, "psyche," and the Latin word "pathos." The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) defines a psychopath as someone with an antisocial personality disorder. Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a lack of remorse or guilt, lack of empathy, shallow emotions, manipulativeness, impulsivity, irresponsibility, a need for stimulation, failure to honor financial obligations, such as alimony payments or child support payments; criminal activity, including stealing, vandalism, or assault. This book covers: -The Darkness of Dark Psychology - The Dark Traits - The Narcissist - The Psychopath - Dark Techniques - Manipulation - Seduction - Hypnosis Techniques - Gaslighting - Pharmacological and much more! Psychopaths can be divided into two different types: primary and secondary. Primary psychopaths are so because of something that occurred during their childhood. Secondary psychopaths do not have a genetic predisposition for psychopathy; instead, their behaviors are learned through observation or imitation of others. For example, a person who grows up in an abusive home may develop antisocial behaviors as a way to survive the abuse. |
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