9780197578346 (köites) |
Series |
Oxford studies in international history
Note |
Sisaldab bibliograafiat ja registrit |
Contents |
The Origins of the Baltic Question -- "Have you not noticed our absence?" The Baltic Question during the Annus Mirabilis of 1989 -- Building a New World Order? The Lithuanian Crisis of Spring 1990 -- The End of Perestroika? The Baltic Quest for Visibility and the Soviet Crackdown -- The Rise of Republics, the Fall of the Center: The Baltic Exception and the Collapse of the USSR |
Note |
"30 years after the Soviet collapse this book aims to tackle the interplay between international and domestic dynamics in the Soviet disintegration process. Based on extensive archival research, it investigates the triangular relations between the US government, Baltic independence movements and Moscow during the Perestroika years. Occupied and illegally annexed by the USSR in 1940 Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were the first Soviet republics to push the limits of Perestroika and demand independence from the Soviet Union. The Baltic problem, minor at first glance, started to gain more and more international visibility and by 1990 risked derailing issues that mattered in the eyes of both Soviet and American leaders -- the transformation of the Soviet state and transformation of the European order. Both Washington and Moscow wanted to diffuse the Baltic crisis, but none of them were certain how to do it. The United States had never recognized the annexation of the Baltic states and thus tried to perform a highly challenging balancing act of supporting Baltic independence without jeopardizing their relations with Kremlin. Meanwhile Gorbachev faced an increasingly pressing choice between democratization and preservation of the Soviet empire. In other words this book studies the relations between those at the top of international and domestic power hierarchies with those situated at their margins. It shows how at the time of deep historical change the disruption of existing power structures causes uncertainty that limits the agency of the powerful and opens widows of opportunity for those seen as marginal" |
Subject |
rahvusvahelised suhted
riiklik poliitika
poliitilised muutused
poliitilised reformid
Ameerika Ühendriigid
NSV Liit
Estonica kogu
94 (474) "198/199"
32 (474) (091)
327 (091)