9780192870339 (hardback) |
9780192697516 (epub) |
9780192697509 |
9780191966637 |
10.1093/oso/9780192870339.001.0001 doi |
Sarjaandmed |
Oxford data protection & privacy law - cloth
Oxford data protection and privacy law
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1. Introduction: The reasons for research on data subjects ; 2. The notion of data subject: an average individual? ; 3. Who is the vulnerable individual? ; 4. The vulnerable data subject in the GDPR ; 5. Data protection principles and vulnerable data subjects ; 6. Data protection rights and duties and vulnerable data subjects ; 7. Assessing (and mitigating) layers of data subjects' vulnerability: Using the DPIA as a Model ; 8. The limitations and the alternatives of a vulnerability-based interpretation of the GDPR ; 9. Conclusions: The layers of data subject's vulnerability and the way ahead |
Märkused |
"Vulnerability is the hallmark of human beings in the 21st century. In the digital environment, this is even more evident. We are used to considering vulnerabilities under a group-based approach: ethnic minorities, children, elderly, people with disabilities, etc. However, this static approach might prove inaccurate: the digital media have reshaped groups and individuals by inducing new vulnerabilities and creating different vulnerable sub-groups of users, consumers, citizens, data subjects. This book is conceived not only to show problems but to offer critical optimism towards viable solutions. The EU General Data Protection Regulation is not just the legal instrument to analyse criticalities in the existing digital world, but it is primarily a foreword-looking set of tools that - though largely underexplored - might be essential to rebalance power asymmetries and mitigate induced vulnerabilities in the age of AI. While many authors have focussed on the nuances of data controllers and data processors, few scholars have focussed on the characteristics of the data subjects. Accordingly, this book has three related goals: 1) investigating the notion of the data subject and understanding whether and how personal conditions influence the definition and the protection of data subjects; 2) reconceptualising the notion of vulnerability in the data protection framework, proposing thus a layered, contextual, relational notion; 3) promoting a vulnerability-aware interpretation of the GDPR"-- Provided by publisher |
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