9781554810956 |
Note |
Sisaldab bibliograafiat ja registrit |
Contents |
Part 1: Just war theory and international law. 1. A sweeping history of just war theory. 2. Jus ad bellum: Resisting aggression. 3. Jus ad bellum: Non-classical wars. 4. Jus in bello: Just conduct in war. 5. Jus in bello: Supreme emergency and cyber-warfare. 6. Jus post bellum: Overlapping consensus, and retribution. 7. Jus post bellum: Rehabilitation, and wars-without-end. Part 2: The alternatives. 8. Evaluating the realist alternative. 9. Evaluating the pacifist alternative |
Subject |
õiglase sõja teooria
eetilised aspektid
rahvusvaheline õigus
More terms |
War (International law) |
Just war doctrine |
War -- Moral and ethical aspects |
War (International law) |