9780192870087 |
Märkused |
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Sisukord |
Table of Cases ; Table of Legislation ; 1. Foundations and structure of international law ; 2. Sources of international law ; 3. The law of treaties ; 4. The actors in the international legal system ; 5. Jurisdiction ; 6. Immunity from national jurisdiction and diplomatic protection ; 7. State responsibility ; 8. The international law of the sea ; 9. International human rights law ; 10. International environmental law ; 11. International economic law ; 12. The peaceful settlement of disputes ; 13. The international regulation of the use of force ; 14. The law of armed conflict ; 15. International criminal law ; Glossary |
Märksõnad |
rahvusvaheline õigus
kõrgkooliõpikud (vormimärksõna)
341 (075)