9780192845238 (hardback) |
9780192659859 (epub) |
9780192659842 |
9780191937514 |
Sarjaandmed |
Oxford studies in European law
Sisukord |
1. Introduction ; 2. Judicial review and democratic legitimacy ; 3. National constitutional courts’ review of European law and its democratic legitimacy ; 4. The rise of judicial euroscepticism: Maastricht ; 5. The euro crisis and the judicialization of euro-politics ; 6. Court-ordered parliamentary oversight and the euro crisis ; 7. The PSPP ruling and the pandemic: a move to weak review? ; 8. Conclusion |
Märkused |
"On 5 May 2020, the red-robed judges of the German Federal Constitutional Court (GFCC) shocked Europe. In a ruling on the Public Sector Purchasing Programme (PSPP), a quantitative easing programme of the European Central Bank (ECB), they concluded that the central bank had failed to substantiate the programme's proportionality. As a result, the German judges ruled that the PSPP was ultra vires, that is, beyond the scope of the central bank's competences. In reaching that conclusion they set aside the judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU), which had previously upheld the programme, as 'simply not comprehensible' and 'objectively arbitrary'. Having long retained the right to rule on the scope of the EU's competences, the German judges had always refrained from taking the ultimate step of declaring EU law inapplicable within the German legal order. This time was different. The judgment led to a flood of critique among commentators across Europe, both in the popular media, as well as among legal experts. Some held that the judgment threatened the existence of the euro. Martin Sandbu of the Financial Times called the verdict a 'bomb under the EU legal order'. In the same newspaper Martin Wolf went so far as to state that future historians might mark the ruling 'as the decisive turning point in Europe's history towards disintegration'"-- Provided by publisher |
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