9781003299011 (e-raamat) |
Note |
Bibliograafia peatükkide lõpus. - Sisaldab registrit |
Contents |
Part I. Introduction: gazing into the future of warfare / Artur Gruszczak and Sebastian Kaempf. Strategic foresight and future war: a discussion of methodologies / Beatrice Heuser, Joachim Isacsson and Olaf Theiler. Predicting the future of war in the 21st century: a future war studies? / Mark Lacy. Thinking about the future of war / Christopher Coker. Human security in future military operations / Mary Kaldor and Iavor Rangelov. Great powers and war in the 21st century: blast from the past / Vicky Karyoti, Olivier Schmitt and Amelie Theussen. The ecology of violence / Jonathan Luke Austin. Militainment for future warfare / Tanner Mirrlees |
Part II. How our accelerating interactions in cyberspace have shifted global power and made a kinetic world war more likely: the riddle of steel / Ivan Arreguín-Toft. State fragility as a major challenee to the existing world order: "Too fragile to hold the world" /Iveta Hlouchova. Lawfare in the 21st century / Lauren Sanders. Privatization of warfare / Elke Krahmann. Terrorism: the never-changing chameleon / Anastasia Filippidou. Deterritorialization and violent networks / Sebastian Kaempf |
Part III. Understanding western perceptions of war and insecurity: unravelling hybridity / David Snetselaar and Sebastiaan Rietjens. Irregular and unconventional warfare / David Kilcullen. The future of proxy wars / Vladimir Rauta and Giuseppe Spatafora. Remote warfare: drivers, limits, challenges / Neil C Renic. Vicarious war and the United States: imperial antecedents and anticipations / Thomas Waldman. Post-modern warfare / Artur Gruszczak |
Part IV. The persistent appeal of chaoplexic warfare: towards an autonomous / Antoine Bousquet. Ethnic conflict and modern warfare / Dani Belo and David Carment. Just war thinking and wars of information: war, not-war, and the places between / Valerie Morkevičius. Gender in future warfare / Lindsay Clark. Intelligence and awareness / Rubén Arcos. Criminality and delinquency: the impact on regional and global security / Daniela Irrera |
Part V. Cybernetics at war: military artificial intelligence, weapon systems and the de-skilled moral agent / Elke Schwarz. Digitizing the battlefield: augmented and virtual reality applications in warfare / Andrew N. Liaropoulos. Quantum warfare / James Der Derian and Stuart Rollo. Lethal autonomous weapon systems and their potential impact on the future of warfare / Austin Wyatt. Military neuroenhancement / Łukasz Kamieński. High-energy laser directed energy weapons: military doctrine and implications for warfare / Lauren J. Borja. Space-based systems and counterspace warfare / Marek Czajkowski |
Part VI. Prospects of great power rivalry: escaping the tragedy? / Enrico Fels. Internationalized civil war / Alex J. Bellamy. Challenges to the nuclear order: between resilience and contestation / Sanne Cornelia J. Verschuren. Conflict in cyberspace / Rain Ottis. Large-scale criminal violence in the 21st century / Angélica Durán-Martínez. Staging the conflicts to come: visions of the future-tracing security practices / David Paulo Succi Junior, Helena Salim de Castro and Samuel Alves Soares. Savage wars and conflict dehumanization / Paweł Ścigaj |
Note |
Pealkiri võetud tiitelkuvalt (kirjeldatud 29.11.2023) |
Subject |
tehnoloogilised uuendused
rahvusvaheline julgeolek
käsiraamatud (vormimärksõna)
artiklikogumikud (vormimärksõna)
e-raamatud (vormimärksõna)
More terms |
War — Forecasting |
Military art and science — Forecasting |
Military art and science — Technological innovations |
Security,Internatonal |
Added entry |
Gruszczak, Artur, toimetaja
Kaempf, Sebastian, toimetaja
Ottis, Rain, 1981-
Conflict in cyberspace
Analytical title |
Taylor & Francis e-books KV
355.01 (035) (0.034)
327.5 (035) (0.034)