9781035405763 |
Note |
Sisaldab bibliograafiat ja registrit |
Contents |
Introduction. Part 1: The Shock of Ukraine. 1 'A Sense of Threat and Fear' (2022-2023). 2. A Very Political Alliance (2023). Part 2: Conception and Birth. 3. From the Ruins of Dunkirk (1945-1948). 4. Airlift and Alliance (1948-1949). Part 3: The First Cold War. 5. Putting the 'O' in NATO (1949-1951). 6. The Eisenhower 'Spiral of Strength Going Upwards' (1951-1952). 7. Massive Retaliation, Massive Divisions 1952-1958). 8. Sputnik, Nukes and Charles de Gaulle (1957-1960). 9. Testing Kennedy in Berlin (1961). 10. Cuba (1962). Part 4: Detente, Disagreements and the Reagan Rollercoaster. 11. The Shadow of Vietnam (1963-1974). 12. Back to the Brink (1975-1980). 13. The Gloves Come Off (1981-1982). 14. Dancing Blindly on the Edge (1983). 15. Endgame (1984-1989). Part 5: The Era of intervention. 16. Driving Fast through Fog (1990-1991). 17. Into the Balkans (1992-1994). 18. 'Where Angels Fear to Tread' (1995-1998). 19. Kosovo (1999). 20. Into a New Century (1999-2001). 21. 9/11 and its Aftermath (2001). 22. The Schisms in Iraq (2002-2005). 23. Afghanistan: NATO's Longest War (2006-2010). Part 6: Renewed Confrontation. 24. Putin, Pirates, Cyber Attacks and Georgia (2007-2011). 25. Unexpected Revolutions (2011-2013). 26. The Return of War to Europe (2012-2015). 27. Enter Donald Trump (2016-2019). 28. The World Crisis of the 2020s. Part 7: The Road to 2049. 29. From Vlinius to Washington (2023-2024). 30. Surviving the NATO Century (2024-2029) |
Subject |
Põhja-Atlandi Lepingu Organisatsioon
rahvusvahelised organisatsioonid
sõjalised organisatsioonid
rahvusvaheline julgeolek
poliitiline ajalugu
327.7 NATO (091)
355.02 (091)