9783708924519 (facultas) |
9783756015306 (Nomos) |
Sisukord |
1. Fundamentals ; 2. Procedure ; 3. Liability ; 4. Air ; 5. Ozone ; 6. Climate ; 7. Freshwater ; 8. Oceans ; 9. Biodiversity ; 10. Hazardous substances |
Märkused |
From the 1972 Stockholm Declaration to the European Union’s Green Deal, the principles of international environmental law have successfully permeated the multilateral discourse. They are also woven into a large patchwork of international treaties, binding the international community and requiring their implementation at the domestic level. This materials collection provides an edited compilation of international and European environmental law documents. Alongside the fundamentals as well as the procedural and liability frameworks, it includes a selection of the most relevant sectoral treaties relating to air, ozone, climate, freshwater, oceans, biodiversity, and hazardous substances. |
Märksõnad |
rahvusvaheline õigus
Euroopa Liidu õigus
rahvusvahelised lepingud
Täiendkirjed |
Beham, Markus P., koostaja
Beham, Markus P., toimetaja
Dederer, Hans-Georg, 1967- koostaja
Dederer, Hans-Georg, 1967- toimetaja
341 (4)
349 :502 (4)
341.2 (4)