9780300270112 (köites) |
Märkused |
Sisaldab bibliograafiat ja registrit |
Sisukord |
PART I: A Grand Ambition Is Born: America's Alliance, 1939-65 ; 1. America's Search for United Nations ; 2. The North Atlantic Treaty ; 3. Aspiration Lost? The Emergence of Cold War NATO. PART II: Retreat to Pragmatism: NATO Muddles Through, 1966-89 ; 4. Losing Its Luster: NATO without Atlanticism ; 5. Conserving NATO: The Dual-Track Decision ; 6. Prudence or Prophecy? NATO Confronts New Aspirations ; PART III: Return of Great Ambition: How NATO Grew Big and Soft, 1989-2011. NATO's search for New Atlanticism beyond the Cold War ; 8. NATO Grows Bigger and Softer ; 9. Runaway Aspiration ; PART IV: Retreat and Resurrection? NATO from Afghanistan to Ukraine, 2012-24 ; 10. NATO's Nationalization ; 11. Comeback? Classical NATO for a New Era |
Märksõnad |
Põhja-Atlandi Lepingu Organisatsioon
sõjaline koostöö
rahvusvaheline koostöö
rahvusvahelised organisatsioonid
rahvusvaheline julgeolek
20. sajandi 2. pool
21. sajandi 1. pool
327.7 NATO
355 (091)