9789916275542 |
Sarjaandmed |
Politics and Society in the Baltic Sea Region, 2228-4451 ; 5
Märkused |
Bibliograafia artiklite lõpus |
Sisukord |
Introduction: Baltic musics beyond the post-Soviet / Jeffers Engelhardt and Katherine Pukinskis. Part I: Revisiting and reassessing the Singing Revolutions. Chapter 1. Lithuania's reverberating Singing Revolution and generational fissures beyond the post-Soviet / Živilė Arnašiūtė. Chapter 2. The Singing Revolution and trauma tourism : toward an ethical approach for extra-cultural participation in the Baltic choral tradition beyond the post-Soviet / Johann van Niekerk. Conversation I : The 'kids' are all right – choral composers beyond the post-Soviet / Heather MacLaughlin Garbes. Part II: Mainstreams and subcultures beyond the post-Soviet. Chapter 3. Kings of the disco : the politics of fun and the Estonian 'low-brow' / Oliver Aas. Chapter 4. Contesting Narratives in post-Soviet Estonian fandoms : the case of the Estonian Depeche Mode fan club / Brigitta Davidjants. Conversation II : Latvian folk song – the cornerstone of my creative work / Laura Jēkabsone. Part III: Memory, aesthetics, and ideology beyond the post-Soviet. Chapter 5. Lithuanian music after 1990 : from the post-Soviet condition to the regime of presentism / Rūta Stanevičiūtė. Chapter 6. Lithuanian composers in the post-soviet period / Rūta Gaidamavičiūtė. Chapter 7. 'A valuable cultural heritage for future generations of Estonia-Swedes' : an analysis of cultural heritage processes in editions of Mats Ekman's songs / Sofia Joons Gylling. Conversation III : Latvian music in transition, 1980–2000 / Sophia Kirsanova. Afterword / Kevin Karnes |
Märkused |
Baltic Musics Beyond the Post-Soviet is a collection of essays and conversations bringing together different generations of scholars and artists to advance critical conversations in Baltic cultural studies from the position of music and sound. The book focuses on chronologies and imaginaries emerging as the post-Soviet – always once occupied, once colonized – is decentred in Baltic musical life and scholarship, particularly within generations less impacted by direct experiences of Soviet occupation and coloniality (including non-Baltic researchers and artists). With contributions from scholars in music studies, comparative literature, and sociology, performers, and composers, this book revisits archives and musical media, rethinks historiographic and ethnographic practices, and repositions the work of creation and performance. In thinking beyond the post-Soviet, this book offers alternative accounts of sounds marking the Baltic musical past and compelling accounts of the Baltic musical present |
Märksõnad |
laulev revolutsioon
postsotsialistlik ühiskond
20. sajandi 2. pool
artiklikogumikud (vormimärksõna)
Täiendkirjed |
Engelhardt, Jeffers, 1975- toimetaja
Pukinskis, Katherine, 1986- toimetaja
Kullasepp, Kairi, kujundaja
Paalits, Kalle, 1971- kujundaja
Teine kandja |
Võrguressurss (pdf): Baltic musics beyond the Post-Soviet 9789916275559 |
78 (474) (091) (082)
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316.74 :78 (082)
78 (474) (091) (082)