9783031233661 |
10.1007/978-3-031-23364-7 doi |
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Sisukord |
1. Evaluating NATO enlargement: scholarly debates, policy implications, and roads not taken ; Part I. Foreign Policy and Strategy Debates ; 2. Patterns of Continuity in NATO’s Long History ; 3. NATO as a Political Alliance: Continuities and Legacies in the Enlargement Debates of the 1990s ; 4. NATO Enlargement and US Foreign Policy: Origins and Consequences ; 5. Myths and Realities of Putinism and NATO Expansion ; Part II. Great Power Relations ; 6. NATO Enlargement and US Grand Strategy: A Net Assessment ; 7. NATO Enlargement: Evaluating Its Consequences in Russia ; 8. The Tragedy of US-Russian Relations: NATO Centrality and the Revisionists’ Spiral ; 9. China Views NATO: Beijing’s Concerns About Transatlantic Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific ; Part III. European Security ; 10. Thank Goodness For NATO Enlargement ; 11. Good For Democracy? Evidence from the 2004 NATO Expansion ; 12. Ukraine’s Bid to Join NATO: Re-evaluating Enlargement in a New Strategic Context ; 13. Every Which Way But Loose: NATO Enlargement, European Strategic Autonomy, and Fragmentation ; Part IV. Organizational Politics and Debates ; 14. Assessing the Consequences of Enlargement for the NATO Military Alliance ; 15. From Peace to War: The Military Implications of NATO Enlargement ; 16. NATO Enlargement and The Failure of the Cooperative Security Mindset |
Märkused |
Mobilizing an interdisciplinary group of scholars and practitioners, this book reviews the history and consequences of NATO’s post-Cold War enlargement into Central and Eastern Europe. It offers a nuanced discussion of the merits and drawbacks of NATO enlargement across the different actors involved and compares the results of the policy against potential alternatives that were not chosen. Particular attention is given to NATO enlargement’s influence on the course of U.S. foreign policy, democracy and security in Central and Eastern Europe, NATO’s own development as a political and military institution, and relations with China and Russia (including the 2022 Russia-Ukraine War). Written for an engaged audience, the book is designed to appeal to students, researchers, and policymakers alike while offering both policy insights and avenues for future scholarship. |
Märksõnad |
Põhja-Atlandi Lepingu Organisatsioon
sõjalised organisatsioonid
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artiklikogumikud (vormimärksõna)
Täiendkirjed |
Goldgeier, James M., toimetaja
Shifrinson, Joshua R. Itzkowitz, toimetaja
327.7 NATO (082)
327 (4/9) (082)
355 (082)