9781035338634 (hardback) |
9781035338641 (ebook) |
10.4337/9781035338641 doi |
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"This thought-provoking book follows the EU's journey into the digital age, explaining how it uses legislation and policy to tackle challenges such as the abuse of market power by Big Tech companies and the spread of hate speech and disinformation. Werner Stengg draws on his extensive experience in shaping digital policy to expertly analyse the EU's ambitious legislative and innovation programme, which focuses on human rights and prioritises trustworthy, transparent, and accountable usage of digital technologies. Alongside this examination of legislation and policy, Stengg also outlines the EU's major investment agenda into the digital infrastructures required to become a global player in our data-driven and AI-powered economy. Ultimately, the book highlights that innovations in the digital sphere are essential not only for the global competitiveness of European companies, but also for Europe to safeguard its resilience, autonomy, and technological sovereignty at a time of mounting geopolitical tensions. Comprehensive in scope, this book is an invaluable resource for students and academics in consumer law, European law, European politics and policy, human rights, internet and technology law, and regulation and governance. It is also a crucial read for professionals involved in EU-level policymaking"-- Provided by publisher |
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