9781526178312 (köites) |
Sarjaandmed |
New approaches to conflict analysis
Märkused |
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Sisukord |
Introduction ; 1. Mnemonic formations : an analytical approach to memory and peace ; 2. Cyprus : parallel peace(s) and competing nationalisms ; 3. Bosnia and Herzegovina : remembering the siege of Sarajevo; 4. Rwanda : the role of the internationals - South Africa : the legacies of colonialism ; 6. Cambodia : the power of the dead ; 7. Memory and the quality of peace : plurality, dignity and inclusivity ; Conclusions |
Märkused |
This important book provides new understandings of how the politics of memory impacts peace in societies transitioning from a violent past. It does so by developing a theoretical approach focusing on the intersection of sites, agency, narratives, and events in memory-making. Drawing on rich empirical studies of mnemonic formations in Cyprus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rwanda, South Africa and Cambodia, the book speaks to a broad audience. The in-depth, cross-case analysis shows that inclusivity, pluralism, and dignity in memory politics are key to the construction of a just peace. The book contributes crucial and timely knowledge about societies that grapple with the painful legacies of the past and advances the study of memory and peace. |
Märksõnad |
kollektiivne mälu
poliitilised aspektid
rahvusvahelised suhted
rahvusvaheline julgeolek
Küpros (riik)
Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina (riik)
Rwanda (riik)
Kambodža (riik)
Täiendkirjed |
Björkdahl, Annika, 1970- autor
Buckley-Zistel, Susanne, 1969- autor
Kappler, Stefanie, autor
Williams, Timothy 1987- autor