9783031423604 (köites) |
10.1007/978-3-031-42361-1 doi |
Sarjaandmed |
Springer commentaries on international and European law
Märkused |
Sisaldab bibliograafiat ja registrit |
Sisukord |
Title VI Transport ; Title VII Common Rules on Competition, Taxation and Approximation of Laws ; Chapter 1 Rules on Competition ; Section 1 Rules Applying to Undertakings ; Section 2 Aids Granted by States ; Chapter 2 Tax Provisions ; Chapter 3 Approximation of Laws ; Title VIII Economic and Monetary Policy ; Chapter 1 Economic Policy ; Chapter 2 Monetary Policy ; Chapter 3 Institutional Provisions ; Chapter 4 Provisions specific to Member States whose Currency is the Euro ; Chapter 5 Transitional Provisions ; Supplement to Title VIII ; Title IX Employment ; Title X Social Policy ; Title XI The European Social Fund |
Märkused |
The Commentary on the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (four volumes) is a major European project that aims to contribute to the development of ever closer conceptual and dogmatic standpoints with regard to the creation of "Europeanised research on Union law". Following on from the Commentary on the Treaty on European Union, this book presents detailed explanations, article by article, of all the provisions of the TFEU, discussing the application of Union law in the national legal orders and its interpretation by the Court of Justice of the EU. The authors are academics and practitioners from all across Europe and different legal traditions, some from a constitutional law background, others experts in the field of international law and EU law. Reflecting the various approaches to European legal culture, this book promotes a system concept of European Union law toward more unity notwithstanding its rich diversity grounded in national traditions. |
Märksõnad |
Euroopa Liit
Euroopa Majandusühenduse asutamisleping (1957)
Euroopa Liidu toimimise leping (2007)
Euroopa Liidu õigus
kommentaarid (vormimärksõna)
Täiendkirjed |
Blanke, Hermann-Josef, 1957-2023, toimetaja
Böttner, Robert, toimetaja
Variantpealkiri |
Volume II: Articles 90-164
341.1 (4) (094)
061.1 EU (094)
342 (4) (094)